209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Birthday parties are fun and unique at The Leonardo!

Two-hour parties are available in our Curiosity Corner with additional time available for $50 coverage per hour.

In addition to your party time, your party includes general admission access to the museum during regular business hours on any day Tuesday to Sunday: 10am-6pm. Please note, general admission excludes specialty shows/exhibits; however, these are available as an add-on to the reservation at the group price.


Small Party (10 Children 10 Adults) $250

Tables, chairs, table covering, cake plates, cups, napkins, and balloon centerpiece
Birthday crown for birthday kid and a special Leo gift
2 hour rental of Curiosity Corner
All-day access to museum exhibits (excluding specialty or traveling exhibits)

Large Party (15 Children 15 Adults) $350

Tables, chairs, table covering, cake plates, cups, napkins, and balloon centerpiece
Birthday crown for birthday kid and a special Leo gift
2 hour rental of Curiosity Corner
All-day access to museum exhibits (excluding specialty or traveling exhibits)

We are anxious to customize your party to best accommodate your preferences. Please contact us for details or to make your reservation today. Please contact Dustyn Burt at 801-531-9800 (ext. 125) for more information or to make your reservation.