209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111


The Leonardo is a cultural center that celebrates innovative ideas, products and people in Utah and abroad. Our Innovation Showcase is a collection of exhibits displayed throughout the museum. Visitors can learn about products invented in Utah (like the Frisbee!) and their unlikely origin stories. On the first floor, you will find some of the ideas and stories of innovative businesswomen and how highlights of their contributions to the science and tech industry. 

Innovation Timeline

Human history is full of innovation, big and small achievements from the sewing needle in 4000 B.C.E. to the personal computer circa the 1970s. The human ability to take create is phenomenal. We invite you to take a moment to explore the Innovation Timeline and consider the evolution of humanity’s most profound moments of progress and creation.

Women Innovators

This exhibit showcases the women who are leaders in technology and innovation in Utah. The Leonardo partnered with the Women Tech Council to highlight those who are creating change in the industry of tech. The exhibit features a touch screen interactive where you will be introduced to those leaders in our community and a display of their innovations.

The Leonardo da Vinci Connection

Innovation isn’t always in the form of original invention; it best emerges simply as efficiency and accessibility. Leonardo da Vinci did not invent the bridge, better yet he designed a self-supporting bridge that was affordable and easily transported. Soldiers were more mobile with this solution to crossing water and his design did not require any expertise or special fasteners. Leonardo da Vinci was an avid innovator and he looked to work with nature instead of against it in all of his designs.