209 E 500 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

A Quest to The Leonardo

We like to think we’re a cool, innovative and fun place to be. But it’s even cooler when a first time visitor has the same reaction.

16 year old Lauren Mulcahy visited our museum for the first time with a unique  program called Quest. Quest gives the top 16 students in their school (Walton Verona High School in Walton, Kentucky) an opportunity to travel to a slated destination based on one of our 50 states. Students were selected to become Questees based on GPAs, test scores and teacher recommendations.  This year’s destination was Utah. In preparation for the program, students had to research and prepare a topic for presentation. Their topic could be museums, universities, national parks, historic buildings, etc.

Many other students chose national parks or historic buildings, but Lauren chose The Leonardo. “I chose the Leonardo because it incorporated everything that appeals to me and I knew it would also challenge the minds of my fellow classmates. I knew it would be a cool place when I visited the site and read their mission statement so that’s where I fell in love.” –Lauren Mulcahy

See Lauren’s presentation here

She and the other 16 Questees visited our museum.  They explored and wandered with wonder. Some made stop-motion animation clips; others tinkered in Leonardo’s workshop. After their visit, every single one of them found their inner genius.

Sounds like a successful visit to me. Thank you Lauren for choosing our museum; we encourage you and your fellow Questees to stay curious!